Get involved


If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker (status irrelevant) and would like to join our community please get in touch. We run weekly creative workshops (storytelling, poetry, drama and other activities) as well as regular sessions at our allotment, where we grow fruit, vegetables and flowers. We also provide opportunities, including the chance to perform at events, cook for supper clubs, lead school workshops, have your writing published and make videos. If you join us, you can boost your skills in storytelling, English conversation, cooking, gardening or event planning, make new friends and have fun.


If you’d like to volunteer with Stories & Supper, we’d love to hear from you. We welcome people who share our values, want to help us change the migration narrative and are happy to get stuck in. We might ask you to prepare lunch for our Saturday workshops, publicise an event, help with social media, chop onions for a supper club, lead a workshop game or help us deliver one of our projects. If you have skills in storytelling, publicity, gardening, catering or event planning, or just want to be part of our community, please get in touch.


We are always keen to work with others who share our aims to challenge negative narratives about migration and create a welcoming environment. If you're a refugee-led theatre company, ​a philanthropist looking for new causes to support, a charity working with refugee chefs, a horticultural project or a campaigning organisation that wants to collaborate, we'd love to hear from you. Our previous and ongoing collaborations include Phosphoros Theatre, Artillery, the Barbican, Joelle Taylor, Jumana Moon and Mbilla Arts. We currently have a year-long residency at the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow.